- 申請文件 Required Documents
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申請文件 Required Documents
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1. 報名表 (線上申請入學系統自動產生)
The complete application form. (From MUST international student online application)
2. 具結書與授權書 (線上申請入學系統自動產生)
The declaration and the letter of authorization. (From MUST international student online application)
3. 畢業證書 Diploma .
a. 一般申請生:中文或英文最高學歷畢業證書影本 (應屆畢業生可以使用在學證明)
Ordinary applicant : one photocopy of high school/university diploma in Chinese or English.
b. 轉學生:除高中畢業證書外,還必須提供大學在學證明
Transfer student : one photocopy of high school diploma and certificate of enrollment of university/college.
c. 交換生:目前就讀學校中文或英文的在學證明
Exchange student : one photocopy of certificate of enrollment of university/college in Chinese or English.
4. 成績單 Transcripts
a. 一般申請生:中文或英文最高學歷成績單證明影本
Ordinary applicant : one photocopy of official yearly transcripts from all high school/university years in Chinese or English.
b. 轉學生:除高中成績單外,還必須提供大學成績單
Transfer student : one photocopy of high school transcripts but also university/college transcripts.
c. 交換生:目前就讀學校中文或英文的成績單
Exchange student : one photocopy of university/college transcripts in Chinese or English.
5. 財力證明US$5,000元或NT $150,000元以上或獲獎學金證明副本
Financial Statement or Official Bank Statement with a minimum balance of US$5,000 or NT $150,000 per person.
6. 明新科技大學獎學金申請表(欲申請獎學金者)
Application Form for MUST Scholarships.(If applicant have enough qualification.)
7. 中文或英文推薦書二份
Two recommendation letters in Chinese or English.
8. 語文能力證明:
a. 中英文為母語者,免附
Language Requirement: Native speaker are excluded.
b. 申請中文授課者:華語文能力測驗進階級以上。
Chinese-taught program applicant : TOCFL level 3 and above.
無華語文能力測驗進階級以上證明者,必須參與本校開辦之華語文訓練課程。 (註:部分駐外館處規定申請簽證時必須持有英文能力證明)
Applicants who do not have TOCFL certificate level 3 and above must take the intensive Chinese language courses organized by MUST Chinese language education center. (Note : for some countries, the English certificate is still the necessary document to got VISA to Taiwan by Taipei Economic and Cultura Office.
c. 申請英文授課者:TOEFL IBT 40 or TOEIC 450 or IELTS 3.5以上
English-taught program applicant : TOEFL IBT 40, TOEIC 450, IELTS 3.5 and above.
9. 中文或英文自傳(包含個人背景、申請動機讀書計畫)
Autobiography in Chinese or English. (Including your background, motivations and study plan etc.)
10. 其他有利文件 (如:證照、獎狀…等)
Other advantageous documents. (For example: certificate examination, awards etc.)