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休、退學流程 Suspension, Withdrawal from the school pro


休學 Temporary Suspension

1.      學生休學以一學年或二學年為原則,學生因故經家長或監護人同意。

2.      休學休學二學年期滿,因重病等無法及時復學者,得再予延長一學年。應徵服役者,須檢具徵集令影本申請延長休學期限,服役期滿檢具退伍令申請復學;學生因懷孕、生產或為哺育幼兒而休學者,其休學期間不計入休學年限。


1.      Students may apply for temporary suspension with one academic year or two academic years as one unit. Undergraduate students must obtain the approval of their parents or guardians.

2.      The accumulated limit for temporary suspension is two academic years. Students unable to return on time due to severe illness, pregnant, birthing, or nursing children. The period spent in temporary suspension does not count towards their total calculation of time spent in temporary suspension.


退學 Withdrawal


1.      逾期未註冊或休學逾期未復學者。

2.      日間部:除身心障礙學生以外之一年級至三年級學生,連續兩學期學業成績不及格科目之學分數,達該學期修習學分總數三分之二者。

3.      修業期限屆滿,仍未修足所屬系()規定應修科目與學分者。

4.      未經本校同意,同時在他校註冊入學者。

5.      違反校規情節嚴重,經學生獎懲委員會會議決議退學者。

6.      無前列各款事由而自請退學者。學生因故自請退學,須經家長或監護人同意,方得辦理退學手續。


Students met with any of these circumstances should withdraw from school:

1.      Failed to complete registration or return to school after temporary suspension.

2.      Full-Timeexcluding handicapped students, The First year~The Third year students is found to have two consecutive or three accumulative occasions where the number of failed courses adds up to 23 of the total amount of courses taken that semester.

3.      Gone over the study time limit and have not finished the required courses or amount of credits designated by their departmentcollege.

4.      Agreed without this school that simultaneously registers the intrant in his school.

5.      Violates the school regulation circumstance to be serious, after student rewards and punishment board meeting resolution leaving school.

6.      Voluntary withdrawal applicants.


諮詢單位Contact Information

教務處註冊組Office of Academic Affairs - Registration
