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交通 Transportation


1.         火車:出校門後步行15分鐘便可到達新豐火車站。唯新豐車站所停靠之車輛皆為每站皆停之電聯車,如需搭乘各級對號列車,需至鄰近各大站如竹北、新竹、中壢等地轉搭對號列車。

2.         公車&客運:公車可到達其他交通工具無法到達的市區地點,於本校校門口即有設置站牌,有新竹客運及中壢客運等客運公司。若需搭乘長途客運,可藉由搭乘前往新竹總站後再轉搭其他前往各縣市之客運。

3.         高速鐵路:可先搭乘公車或搭乘火車至竹北,可在下列地點搭乘免費高鐵接駁車:嘉豐六路口、自強七街(喜來登飯店)、東元醫院(稅捐局)、新竹縣政府、家樂福、光明六路口、新仁醫院、竹北火車站,即可直接到達高鐵站。


1.         Train: It takes about 15 minutes walking to go to the HsinFeng Train Station. Notice, all the trains stop at Hsinfeng Station are local train, (its a bit slower than the other ordinary train) if need to change to a express train, youll have to transfer to a near by main station for it.

2.         Bus: The bus can take you to the locations that other public transportation cannot. There is a bus just in front of the school, there are Hsinchu Transportation and CL Bus. If you need a long distance bus, you can go to the Hsinchu main station to transfer.

3.         Taiwan High Speed Rail: Youll have to go to Chupei by bus or train first, and then take the shuttle bus at the following location: Jiafeng Sixth Road, Sheraton Hotel, Ton Yen Hospital, Hsinchu County Government, Carrefour, Guangmin Sixth Road, Shin Ren Hospital, Chupei Train Station.


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