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衣著 Clothing


大體而言,台灣全年溫暖,四季中以春冬的變化較大,夏秋變化較小,有著最適合旅遊的天氣,年平均溫度約為22度,平均最低溫不過12-17(54- 63),所以這裡的冬天看不到靄靄白雪,只有在少數的高山地區,可以一瞥雪花的影子。在春夏之交時(每年的3-5),偶受滯留鋒面徘徊影響,有著細雨綿綿的天氣型態,要記得隨身帶把雨傘。台灣的夏天(每年的6-8),偶爾會有颱風經過,請你留意氣象報導,因為颱風天所造成海邊波濤洶湧的海浪,絕對不是觀賞奇景的好時機。在秋天的台灣(約每年的9-10),你則可以縱情於天天的晴朗涼爽裡。台灣短暫而溫暖的冬天(每年的11-2),是賞楓的季節,偶爾來襲的寒流,是泡湯族的最愛





Furthermore, the island is surrounded by oceans; and the ocean breezes, which are the reason for Taiwan's humid weather, will surely make you completely forget the dry cold back home. If you are from a low-latitude country, you will certainly revel in the nice warmth of Taiwan's sun. Because of the coolness that hangs in the air, it is a welcoming change from the simmering heat of your native country. You can do some hiking in the mountains, surrounding yourself with the beautiful trees of the forest while inhaling some of that pure and fresh air that blows on the island of Taiwan.

Taiwan enjoys warm weather all year round. The strongest fluctuations in weather conditions are during spring and winter, while during summer and autumn the weather is relatively stable. Taiwan is extremely suitable for traveling, as the annual average temperature is a comfortable 22 degrees Celsius with lowest temperatures ranging from 12 to 17 degrees Celsius (54-63 Fahrenheit). Therefore, with the exception of a few mountain areas where some traces of snow can be found during winter, no snow can be seen throughout Taiwan. When summer is about to dismiss spring (March to May), continuously drizzling rain will sometimes fall on Taiwan. When visiting Taiwan during this period, remember to carry an umbrella at all times; because although it might seem romantic to have a stroll in the rain, it is no fun to travel when you're soaking wet. During the summer (June to August) typhoons sometimes reach the island.

During this period we suggest you keep an eye on weather reports, because during typhoon weather the roaring waves at the coast are not to be regarded as one of Taiwan's tourist scenes. During autumn (September to October) you can wholeheartedly enjoy the cool and soothing weather, while Taiwan's relatively warm and short winter (November to February) is the time for you to admire the beautifully colored maple trees in mountain areas. The cold fronts that reach Taiwan sporadically are greatly favored by the island's hot spring lovers.


Winter clothes. It can be cold and damp. (10° to 15°C)

Summer clothes. It can be hot and humid. (28° to 34°C)

The weather in Taiwan is a little hot on average, but it can be cold and damp in the winter. We suggest you to prepare coats and sweaters.


Taiwan Central Weather Bureau