  • 外國新生醫療保險 New International Students’ Medical Insur
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外國新生醫療保險 New International Students’ Medical Insur




參加外國新生醫療保險之國際學生在保險有效期間內,因傷病保險事故須門診治療時,應至學校承辦單位(衛生保健組,位於宗山樓一樓)領取僑保門診就診單,至僑保特約 醫療院所(新竹縣市包括:行政院衛生署新竹醫院、竹東醫院、竹東榮民醫院)就診。 門診費用先行自付,再檢附收據正本及門診就診單,至明新科技大學衛生保健組填寫申請單,以掛號郵寄向承保機構申請理賠。



1.         掛號費。

2.         部分負擔費用:

a.    第一次至第五次,每次自付新臺幣50元。

b.    第六次至第十次,每次自付新臺幣100元。

c.    第十一次以上,每次自付新臺幣150元。





New International Students Medical Insurance

New international students will be requested to purchase the international student insurance policy that costs NT$3,000 for 6 months, when arriving in Taiwan. The valid day of the insurance will begin when international students arrive in Taiwan and clear their expenses.


International students who take insurance policy should pay the insurance fee costs NT$2000 and should avail of an insurance form from the Health Care Section (in Zon-shan Building1F)  prior to consultation at destined hospital clinic.Hsin Chu City and countyHsin Chu General Hospital, Chutung general Hospital, Chutung Veterans Hospital Have the form filled up by the doctor in charge  with the original hospital receipt to the schools Health Care Section (in Zon-shan Building1F).


Insurance claims are limited to once per day for the same illness. Maximum claims of  NT$1000 per illness, per day. The following items are not covered by insurance

1.         Registration fee

2.         Some extra fees not covered by NHI :

a.    NT$50 each for the 1st 5th visit.

b.    NT$100 each for the 6th 10th visit.

c.    NT$150 each for the11th visit day.


Outpatient Minor operation charges are covered under this policy provided the proper medical certificates are attached.


During Emergency condition, hospital bills incurred in hospitals other than our designated hospital could be reimbursed as long as follow up visits are done in our designated clinics and official receipts and medical certificates could be produced for   claiming insurance payment.


諮詢單位Contact Information

學務處衛保組Office of Student Affairs Health Care Section